We were extremely impressed by how quickly the team understood and internalised what we are all about even though we are not a conventional commercial business but rather a sports organisation/a sailing club with a very specific mission. The brand identity workshop was revelatory with regard to unpicking what we really needed. Calm but intense they got us to identify our core values and desired tone of voice – it was almost like therapy. And during the course of developing the new logo and branding, gently encouraged us out of our comfort zone to arrive at a stunning new identity….which represents what we stand for/are about, principally the pleasure of being on the water – and is clean, elegant and above all, modern and stirring – the sense of excitement and adventure it conveys hugely exceeded our expectations. And throughout they were a joy to work with – warm, calm and efficient in spite of the demanding schedule we set and the idiosyncrasies of working with a members organisation run by volunteers who all have day jobs. And who are not all tech wizards. We anticipate continuing to work happily with them as they support our ongoing development. Sue Large
Rear Commodore & Hon. Treasurer
Our primary business is web design and in hand with this come many other supporting services which we offer to clients looking for the whole package.
Peripatus know that quality web design linked with the latest software applications is essential in today’s industry. We have huge expertise gained through working with clients in the UK and abroad.
See our portfolio of past projects, from large e-commerce shopping travel sites to simple content managed sites. We can bring together complex multi Content Managed solutions with the very best in customer relationship systems.
What matters most is that web users, your potential customers, enjoy your site and shop in confidence.
As well as our specialist web design services our more mainstream services include the following:
Internet Consultancy – Graphic Design & Branding – Search Engine Optimisation – Hosting – E-Commerce – Application Development
Over and above the usual web design and build we offer many specialist services including:
Help with defaced or hacked WordPress websites and regaining control
Replacing Flash with modern HTML5 animations
Conversion of websites from one platform to another, such as Joomla to WordPress conversion
Converting flat HTML websites to dynamic Content Managed versions
Bespoke JavaScript and JQuery coding
Bespoke WordPress plugin building
WordPress Multisite
Clarifying and streamling hosting setups including DNS work
Creating REST API interfaces and Web Services
Graphic retouching and photo fakery
Web Design
Your website has to be right. Today, your presence on the web defines your brand, your products and your services. Your website must be professional and at the same time attractive and welcoming. Above all, it must answer the question from all potential clients – ‘why should I choose you?’
Of course, success for your website depends on more than design. It must be expertly built. A well constructed site, easy to navigate and quick to respond, will hold your customers’ attention and increase the chances of winning their business.
Getting it right first time
Peripatus believe that a website must be planned as carefully as your business. We first explore your wider business goals and ambitions. We then build a site to match them.
Who do you want to reach?
A fundamental question too often ignored in web design. We make it a priority. Who is your target audience? What do you want them to do? How can you attract them to your brand? Get these answers right and customers will return again and again.
Good design only goes so far. We would argue that usability is even more important than design. Users want to find information quickly and in an easily digestible format, moving on elsewhere if not satisfied immediately. Our designers and developers work closely together, so you get the benefit from both in terms of eye-catching, instantly accessible websites that reflect the quality of your business.
Content Management
A Content Management System (CMS) gives the power back to the owner. Gone are the days where you have to pay a company every time you want anything change on your web site or worse still have to learn basic HTML and struggle for hours trying to change the simplest of things.
A CMS gives you the power to design and update your website. Using a simple online layout and editing tool you can dynamically change text, images, links, video and even add new pages as your site grows.
Peripatus’s websites are created using the latest technology and using a system that is proven to work. This site you are looking at is created using CMS and that means that non-computer people can easily change any part of the website with out fear of destroying it! We also take care to make sure our sites work with all leading browsers and older browsers where possible.
Need a professional looking website, but lack the time and the money to start from scratch? Our range of sites complete with content management and support could be the answer.
Internet Consultancy
We help you realise the dynamic potential of Online Marketing, Online Sales Promotions, Web Strategy, Interactive Multimedia and Bespoke Internet Applications.. These are allied to the business enhancing capabilities of Customer Interaction, Feedback and Data Capture.
We provide proactive consultation, as well as the implementation of bespoke back-end systems – involving data management, data processing via the web and internal / external communication.
In a nutshell, we can transform your web facility into a working tool for maximising your back office or communications strategies. Whatever the project, we make sure it compliments your traditional marketing routes.
Our varied experience and skills plus our technical understanding means we’re ready to support both your marketing team and IT team, for the optimal solution for your business. Our technical and business focus means we’re able to deliver results quickly.
Graphic Design & Branding
We work with some of the best graphic designers and brand consultants and our portfolio speaks for itself.
We are able to keep web designs attractive while they remain simple and intuitive. Our graphic designers have experience building websites and aren’t just print designers trying their hand at the web.
That said if you want branding work done and print design to go with your new web presence we can provide that too.
Search Engine Optimisation
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) has two main aims:
- Optimising a website’s structure so that it is easily indexed by search engines
- Optimising a website’s content so that it is easily understood by search engines
Both of these optimisations will affect a website’s ranking.
We make very sure that all of our websites provide the best possible platform for SEO and a Content Management System allows our customers full control over their own SEO.
First a bit of background. We are talking about Google here as it is (at time of writing) the most important search engine. Google, as everyone knows, provides lists of web pages when prompted by a user inputting a search term or terms. These search results are either paid for by those who are displayed or not.
The trick here is being as near to the top of the search results as possible while paying as little as possible to get there.
We can help you with your website content, your website footprint, links to you, Yoast, all of the tricks that you need to pull in order to rank naturally and also with your Business listing.
Hosting – Getting your website where it has to be
These days your online presence is often the first thing that people see of you. For this reason your website has to be both engaging and responsive. We have years of experience in making responsive websites stretching back to the days before broadband but without the right hosting no website will perform.
To get you online we can provide you with hosting which will serve your needs exactly.
We will never put you in a situation where you suffer a slow website due to other sites jostling for the same bandwidth and likewise you will not pay through the nose for capacity that you don’t need. We will always choose hosting that grows with your demands.
In addition to hosting we are specialists in the “DNS” work involved in moving from one host to another. If your current Registrar or host isn’t performing we can help.
Similarly if you have a number of different websites with different hosts and keeping track of them all is becoming a chore we can help you consolidate everything into one manageable account.
Today, if you are looking for something to buy the vast majority will look online first even if they intend to buy elsewhere later. For this reason being able to sell online and make a great first impression is essential.
We have experience building shopping websites selling everything from sushi to hotel rooms and our shops embrace a number of different technologies and methodologies.
We can set up payment gateways that work directly with your bank or more regularly set you up with a shop based upon WooCommerce for example, whatever works best for you.
Our shops some with catalogue functionality fully integrated with our Content Management System giving you one intuitive place to manage your website and you orders.
Whether you are selling a handful of products or aiming to be the next Amazon we can help you.
Example shops:
Application Development
Not all busnesses can be shoe-horned into a specific category and very few work in exactly the same way. For this reason there are many situations where an off-the-shelf application will only partially meet the needs of a business.
At Peripatus we have the agility required to give you a truly bespoke solution to your particular business needs. We will work with you to ascertain how your business works and how you will use technology to achieve your business goals. We will not just give yo a solution, we will give you the right solution tailored to you.